Aarhus Universitets segl

Glacier-Ocean Interactions in Dickson Fjord, Northeast Greenland

Master thesis by Fleur Rooijakkers.


Glacier retreat and mass loss in Northeast Greenland have profound implications for global sea-level rise, making it crucial to understand the complex dynamics of glacier-ocean interactions. Currently, our knowledge of Northeast Greenland glacial fjords is limited, and the processes occurring directly in front of these glaciers, particularly the fate of subglacial meltwater, remain insufficiently understood.
In this study, conducted in Dickson Fjord in August 2022, hydrographic and stable isotope measurements at various depths and fjord locations have been carried out, starting from the glacier terminus. Employing an autonomous ocean profiler deployed via drone, we obtained salinity and temperature profiles as close as 20 meters from the glacier terminus. Interestingly, the terminus is primarily in contact with a cold Polar water layer, leading to unique freshwater dynamics.