Aarhus University Seal


  1. Andersen, SM, Teilmann, J, Dietz, R, Schmidt, NM, Miller, ML (2012) Behavioural responses of harbour seals to human-induced disturbances. Aquatic Conservation, Vol. 22, 2012: 113-121.
  2. Andresen, C.S.,Straneo, F., Ribergaard, M.H., Bjørk,A.A., Andersen, T.J., Kuijpers, A., Nørgaard-Pedersen, N., Kjær, K.H., Schjøth, F., Weckström, K. & Ahlstrøm, A.P. (2012). Rapid response of Helheim Glacier in Greenland to climate variability over the past century. Nature Geoscience, vol. 5, pp. 37–41.
  3. Aubail, A., R. Dietz, F. Rigét, C. Sonne, Ø. Wiig, F. Caurant (2012). Temporal trend of mercury in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from Svalbard using teeth as a biomonitoring tissue. Journal of Environmental, 14: 56–63.
  4. Bjerregaard-Olesen, C., Philip Sebastian Hjelmborg, P. & Bonefeld-Jørgensen, E.C. (2012). Isolation of Lipophilic Persistent Organic Pollutants From Human Breast Milk.Analytical Letters, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 1412-1425.
  5. Bechshøft TØ, Rigét FF, Sonne C, Letcher RJ, Muir DCG, Novak MA, Henchey E, Meyer JS, Eulaers I, Jaspers V, Covaci A, Dietz R (2012): Measuring environmental stress in East Greenland polar bears, 1892-2009: what does hair cortisol tell us?Environ Int 45:15-21.
  6. Bechshøft, TØ, Sonne C, Dietz, R, Born EW, Muir DMG; Letcher RJ; Novak MA, Henchey E.; Meyer JS; Jenssen BM; Villanger GD (2012). Associations between complex OHC mixtures and thyroid and cortisol hormone levels in East Greenland polar bears. Environmental Research 116: 26–35.
  7. Bowman, J.S., Rasmussen, S., Blom, N., Deming, J.W., Rysgaard, S. & Scheritz-Ponten, T. (2012). Microbial community structure of Arctic multiyear sea ice and surface seawater as determined by 454 sequencing of the 16S RNA gene. The ISME Journal, vol. 6, pp. 11-20.
  8. Carlsson, P., Cornelissen, G., Bøggild, C.E., Rysgaard, S., Mortensen, J. & Kallenborn, R. (2012). Hydrology-linked spatial distribution of pesticides in a fjordsystem in Greenland. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1437-1443.
  9. Carstensen, J., Weydmann, A., Olszeqska, A. & Kwasniewski, S. (2012). Effects of environmental conditions on the biomass of Calanuss spp. in the Nordic seas. Journal of Plankton Research, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 951-966.
  10. Chipman, L., Huettel, M., Berg, P., Meyer, V., Klimant, I., Glud, R.N. & Wenzhoefer, F. (2012) Oxygen optodes as fast sensors for eddy correlation measurements in aquatic systemsLimnol Oceanogr Meth, vol. 10, pp. 304-316.
  11. Cooper, A, Victoria I.; Letcher, Robert J.; Dietz, Rune; Sonne, Christian; Wonga, Charles S (2012). Quantification of achiral and chiral methylsulfonyl polychlorinated biphenyl metabolites by column-switching liquid chromatography–atmospheric pressure photoionization–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, vol. 1268, pp.64-73.
  12. Dietz, R., Rigét, F.F., Galatius, A., Sonne, C., Teilmann, J., Bossi, R. (2012). Spatial trends of perfluorochemicals in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from Danish watersScience of the Total Environment, vol. 414, pp. 732–737.
  13. Dietz, R. J Teilmann, S.M. Andersen, F. Riget, M.T. Olsen (2012). Movements and site fidelity of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Kattegat, Denmark, with implications for the epidemiology of the phocine distemper virus. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 69(10), 1–10.
  14. Douglas, T.A. Loseto, L., Macdonald, R., Outridge, P., Dommergue, A., Poulain, A., Amyot, M., Barkay, T., Berg, T., Chételat J., Constant, P., Evans, M., Ferrari, C., Gantner, N., Johnson, M., Kirk, J., Kroer, N., Larose, C., Lean, D., Muir, D., Nielsen, T.G., Poissant, L., Rognerud, S., Skov, H., Sørensen, S., Wang, F. & Zdanowicz, C. M. (2012). The fate of mercury deposited to Arctic Marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Env. Chem. vol. 9, pp. 321-355.
  15. Fredslund, S.O. & Bonefeld-Jørgensen, E.C. (2012). Breast cancer in the Arctic - changes over the past decades. Int J Circumpolar Health, vol. 16, no. 71, pp. 1-14.
  16. Ghisari, M., Krüger, T., Long, M. & Bonefeld-Jørgensen, E.C. (2012). Biomarkers of effects on hormone functions. In: Knudsen, L.E. &  D.F. Merlo, Biomarkers and Human Biomonitoring. Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry. Chapter 10.
  17. Greaves, A.K., Letcher, R.J., Sonne, C., Dietz, R. & Born, E.W. (2012). Tissue-specific concentrations and patterns of perfluoroalkyl carboxylates and sulfonates in East Greenland polar bears. Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 46, pp. 11575-11583.
  18. Hedeholm, R., Grønkjær, P. & Rysgaard, S. (2012). Feeding ecology of capelin (Mallotus villosus Müller) in West Greenlandic waters. Polar Biology, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1533-1543.
  19. Heide Jørgensen MP, Laidre KL, Hansen RG, Simon M, Burt ML, Borchers DL, Hansen J, Harding K, Rasmussen M, Dietz R, Teilmann J. Rate of increase and current abundance of humpback whales in West Greenland. J Cetacean Res Manage 2012; 12(1):1–14.
  20. Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Richard, P.R., Dietz, R. & Laidre, K.L. (2012). A metapopulation model for Canadian and West Greenland narwhals. Animal Conservation, pp. 1-13.
  21. Jensen, L.M. (ed.) (2012). Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 5thAnnual Report, 2011. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy. 84 pp.
  22. Jensen, L.M. (ed.) (2012). Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 17thAnnual Report, 2011. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy. 120 pp.
  23. Krause-Jensen, D., Marbà, N., Olesen, B., Sejr, M.K., Christensen, P.B., Rodrigues, J., Renaud, P.E., Balsby, T.J. & Rysgaard, S. (2012). Seasonal sea ice cover as principal driver of spatial and temporal variation in depth extension and annual production of kelp in Greenland.Global Change Biology, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 2981-2994.
  24. Krüger, T., Long, M., Ghisari, M. & Bonefeld-Jørgensen, E.C. (2012). Combined Effect of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Serum of Greenlandic Inuit: Xenoestrogenic, xenoandrogenic and dioxin-like activities. Biomarkers, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 692-705.
  25. Laidre, K.L., Born, E.W., Gurarie, E., Wiig, Ø., Dietz, R. & Stern, H. (2012). Females roam while males patrol: Divergence in breeding season movements of pack-ice polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Proc. R. Soc. B. 280:20122371, dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2012.2371.
  26. Long, M. & Bonefeld-Jørgensen, E.C. (2012). Dioxin-like activity in environmental and human samples from Greenland and Denmark. Chemosphere, vol. 89, no. 8, pp. 919-928.
  27. Long, M., Bossi, R. & Bonefeld-Jørgensen, E.C. (2012). Level and temporal trend of perfluoroalkyl acids in Greenlandic Inuit. Int J Circumpolar Health, vol. 71, pp. 17998-18010.
  28. Long, M.H., Koopmans, D., Berg, P., Rysgaard, S., Glud, R.N. & Søgaard, D.H. (2012). Oxygen exchange and ice melt measured at the ice-water interface by from eddy correlation. Biogeosciences, vol. 8, pp. 11255-11284.
  29. Madsen, J. & Williams, J.H. (Compilers) 2012. International Species Management Plan for the Svalbard Population of the Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus. AEWA Technical Series No. 48. Bonn, Germany.
  30. Meiners, K.M., Vancoppenolle, M., Thanassekos, S., Dieckmann, G.S., Thomas, D.N., Tison, J.-L., Arrigo, K.R., Garrison, D.L., McMinn, A., Lannuzel, D., van der Merwe, P., Swadling, K.M., Smith Jr., W.O., Melnikov, I. & Raymond, B. (2012). Chlorophyll a in Antarctic sea ice from historical ice core data. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 39, L21602.
  31. Middelboe, M., Glud, R.N. and Sejr, M.K. (2012). Bacterial carbon cycling in a subarctic fjord: A seasonal study on microbial activity, growth efficiency, and virus-induced mortality in Kobbefjord, Greenland. Limnol. Oceanogr., vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 1732-1742.
  32. Mosbech A., Johansen, K.L., Bech, N.I., Lyngs, P., Harding, A.M.A., Egevang, C., Phillips, R.A. & Fort, J., (2012) Inter-breeding movements of little auks Alle alle reveal a key post-breeding staging area in the Greenland Sea. Polar Biology, vol. 35, pp. 305–311.
  33. Noreikiene, K., Teacher, A.G.F., Madsen, J. & Gienapp, P. (2012). Isolation and characterization of 55 novel microsatellite markers for the pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus). Conservation Genet. Resour., vol. 4, pp. 423-428.
  34. Rigét, F., Dietz, R. & Hobson, K.A. (2012). Temporal trends of mercury in Greenland ringed seal populations in a warming climate. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, vol. 14, pp. 3249-3256.
  35. Routti, Hi; Letcher, RJ; Born, EW; Branigan, M; Dietz, R; Evans, TJ; McKinney MA; Peacock, E; Sonne, C (2012). Influence of carbon and lipid sources on variation of mercury and other trace elements in polar bears (Ursus maritimus).  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry  31: 2739.
  36. Rysgaard, S., Glud, R.N., Lennert, K., Cooper, M., Halden, N., Leakey, R.J.G., Hawthorne, F.C. & Barber, D. (2012). Ikaite crystals in melting sea ice - implications for pCO2 and pH levels in Arctic surface waters. The Cryosphere, vol. 6, pp. 1-8.
  37. Rysgaard, S., Mortensen, J., Juul-Pedersen, T., Sørensen, L.L., Lennert, K., Søgaard, D.H., Arendt, K.E., Blicher, M.E., Sejr, M.K. & Bendtsen, J. (2012). High air-sea CO2 uptake rates in nearshore and shelf areas of Southern Greenland: Temporal and spatial variability. Marine Chemistry, vol. 128-129, pp. 26-33.
  38. Rysgaard, S., Søgaard, D.H., Cooper, M., Pucko, M., Lennert, K., Papakyriakou, T.N., Wang, F., Geilfus, N.X., Glud, R.N., Egn, J., McGinnis, D.F., Attard, K., Sievers, J., Deming, J.W. & Barber, D. (2012). Ikaite crystal distribution in Arctic winter sea ice and implications for CO2 system dynamics. The Cryosphere Discuss., vol. 6, pp. 5037-5068.
  39. Schmidt, N.M., Ims, R.A., Høye, T.T., Gilg, O., Hansen, L.H., Hansen, J., Lund, M., Fuglei, E., Forchhammer, M.C. & Sittler, B. (2012). Response of an arctic predator guild to collapsing lemming cycles. Proc. R. Soc. B, vol. 279, pp. 4417-4422.
  40. Schmidt, N.M., Kristensen, D.K., Michelsen, A. & Bay, C. High Arctic plant community responses to a decade of ambient warming. Biodiversity, vol. 13, pp. 1-9.
  41. Sonne C, Dietz R, Letcher RJ, Bechshøft TØ, Rigét FF, Muir DCG, Leifsson PS, Hyldstrup L (2012): Two decades of biomonitoring polar bear health in Greenland: a review. Proceedings from NKVet Symposium 6-7 October 2011, Helsinki, Finland. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 54 (Suppl 1):S1
  42. Sonne, Christian; Letcher, Robert J; Leifsson, Pall S; Rigét, Frank F; Bechshøft, Thea Ø; Bossi, Rossana; Asmund, Gert; Dietz, Rune (2012). Temporal monitoring of liver and kidney lesions in contaminated East Greenland polar bears (Ursusmaritimus) during 1999-2010.Environment International, Vol. 48, 2012, s. 143-149.
  43. Sonne C, Mæhre, Sagerup K; Harju M;Heimstad S, Leifsson P, Dietz R, Gabrielsen G (2012). A screening of liver, kidney and thyroid gland morphology in organochlorine-contaminated glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from Svalbard. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Manuscript ID: 744438
  44. Thomas, D. & Bowers, D. (2012). Introducing Oceanography. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.
  45. Versteegh, E.A.A, Blicher, M.E., Mortensen, J., Rysgaard, S., Als, T.D. & Wanamaker Jr, A.D. (2012) Oxygen isotope ratios in the shell of Mytilus edulis: Archives of glacier meltwater in Greenland?  Biogeochemical Discussions, vol. 9, pp. 12019-12046.