Aarhus University Seal

Geoscience (4)

This work package deals with what lies below the surface and adds a long-term perspective to the processes studied in the other work packages. Past variability of the Arctic climate and environment is reconstructed through the analyses of geological archives such as marine sediment cores, acoustic surveying data, and climate models. The focus is on past changes in ocean circulation, temperature, salinity, and sea ice cover, as well as ice sheet dynamics and the interactions between them. These studies are based on a wide variety of methods, including geochronology (radiocarbon dating and event stratigraphy), micropaleontology (study of fossil diatoms and foraminifera), geophysics (modelling, sea floor mapping, and sub-bottom imaging), sedimentology (grain size and physical properties), and geochemistry (organic biomarkers and mineralogy). In addition to this focus on Arctic paleoclimatology and paleoceanography, this work package also covers subjects ranging from geomicrobiology and the study of pollutants, including their pathways and fate in the geological record. 

List of people connected to this work package

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Building
Bach, Lis Senior Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Environment lb@ecos.au.dk +4587158698 7418, I2.17
Detlef, Henrieka Assistant Professor Department of Geoscience henrieka.detlef@geo.au.dk 1672, 217
Dietz, Rune Professor Department of Ecoscience - Marine Mammal Research 2 rdi@ecos.au.dk +4587158690 7405, 116b
Karoff, Christoffer Associate Professor Department of Geoscience karoff@geo.au.dk +4521183926 1671, 116
Pearce, Christof Associate Professor Department of Geoscience christof.pearce@geo.au.dk +4593508915 1672, 221
Røy, Hans Associate Professor Department of Biology - Microbiology hans.roy@bio.au.dk +4523115884 1540, 025
Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig Head of Department Department of Geoscience mss@geo.au.dk +4527782897 1672
Sonne, Christian Professor Department of Ecoscience - Marine Mammal Research 2 cs@ecos.au.dk +4587158704 7405, 116a
Strand, Jakob Senior Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Marine Diversity and Experimental Ecology jak@ecos.au.dk +4587158654 7411, B1.25
Vergeynst, Leendert Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering leendert.vergeynst@bce.au.dk +4550577938

Contact lead:

Christof Pearce

Associate Professor Department of Geoscience

Contact co-lead:

Henrieka Detlef

Assistant Professor Department of Geoscience