Aarhus University Seal

Education (6)

The objective of this work package is to create exceptional education programs in the Arctic sciences through a coordinated approach to building bridges within the AU and ASP institutions. The focus will be to offer outstanding Arctic courses for students, designing and running Arctic field schools, and to facilitate world-leading research opportunities for bachelor, master and PhD students and young researchers. This includes the continuation of natural science education in Arctic topics year-round in Denmark and to offer a full Arctic semester in Greenland in collaboration with the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources.

This work package also develops the necessary mechanisms to promote and facilitate graduate student exchanges between AU and ASP institutions, allowing students to take part in research at each location and further their learning. Faculty and teaching members will have an opportunity to instruct courses in their respective fields at the other institutions, allowing for an exchange of ideas not only at the research level, but also at the education level.

List of people connected to this work package

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Building
Christensen, Peter Bondo Senior Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology pbc@ecos.au.dk +4522617949 1131, 532
Høgslund, Signe Member of Administrative Staff Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology sigh@ecos.au.dk +4541915665 1131, 530
Jensen, Bjarne Laboratory Technician Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements bj@envs.au.dk +4587158509 7413, D1.45
Lund-Hansen, Lars Chresten Associate Professor Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology lund-hansen@bio.au.dk 1135, 321
Schrøder, Dorte Søgaard External VIP Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology doso@bio.au.dk +4561164226 1135, 321

Contact lead:

Dorte Søgaard Schrøder

External VIP Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology