Aarhus University Seal

Land/limnic (2)

This work package deals with Arctic marine, limnic, terrestrial and glaciological ecosystems. The work package is divided into two sub-work packages, one focusing on terrestrial environments, and one focusing on aquatic environments. In both sub-work packages, the focus is to understand the function and structure of Arctic ecosystem and how their biodiversity and associated biogeochemical processes are impacted by various climatic drivers. This will include investigations along existing environmental gradients and different scales, time series from the long-term monitoring programs such as the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring program and experimental approaches. The focus is to understand how climate variability affects Arctic ecosystems today and how they may change in the future due to climate change with respect to their function and how new incoming species will affect the system.

List of people connected to this work package

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Building
Arndal, Marie Frost Special Consultant Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology mfa@ecos.au.dk +4561667702 7410, A1.15
Boertmann, David Emeritus Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Environment dmb@ecos.au.dk +4587158689 7418, I2.19
Christensen, Torben Røjle Professor Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology torben.christensen@ecos.au.dk +4593509049 7410, A1.11
Fox, Anthony David Professor Department of Ecoscience - Wildlife Ecology tfo@ecos.au.dk +4587158847 1110, 122
Funch, Peter Associate Professor Department of Biology - Genetics, Ecology and Evolution funch@bio.au.dk +4587156526 1540, 215
Funder Castenschiold, Christian Ditlev PhD Student Department of Biology - Microbiology christian.ditlev@bio.au.dk
Gerlich, Hannah Sørine Postdoc Department of Ecoscience - Terrestrial Ecology soger@ecos.au.dk 1120, 321
Henson, Henry Churchill PhD Student Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology hch@ecos.au.dk
Høye, Toke Thomas Professor Department of Ecoscience - Biodiversity and Conservation tth@ecos.au.dk +4587158892 1110, 325
Jackowicz-Korczynski, Marcin Antoni Special Consultant Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology mjk@ecos.au.dk +4587159022 7410, A1.19
Jensen, Lasse Z. PhD Student iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Ny Munkegade 116 lassejensen@au.dk
Jeppesen, Erik Professor Department of Ecoscience - Freshwater Ecology ej@ecos.au.dk +4587158997 1131, 420
Lansø, Anne Sofie Senior Researcher Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling as.lansoe@envs.au.dk +4587151309 7404, 144
Lauridsen, Torben Linding Professor Department of Ecoscience - Freshwater Ecology tll@ecos.au.dk +4587158762 1131, 426
López-Blanco, Efrén Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology elb@ecos.au.dk +4552737900 7410, A1.10
Marchiano Holding, Johnna Tenure Track Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology johnna@ecos.au.dk +4587162167 1131, 522
Mastepanov, Mikhail Senior Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology mikhail.mastepanov@ecos.au.dk +4522197435 7410, A1.13
Mosbech, Anders Senior Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Environment amo@ecos.au.dk +4587158686 I2.13
Mostovaya, Alina Postdoc Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology alina@ecos.au.dk 1131, 328
Nabe-Nielsen, Jacob Professor, Head of Section Department of Ecoscience - Marine Mammal Research 2 jnn@ecos.au.dk +4587158696 7405, 109a
Normand, Signe Professor Department of Biology - Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity signe.normand@bio.au.dk +4593522877 1540, 330
Puts, Isolde Callisto External VIP Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology isolde.puts@ecos.au.dk
Riis, Tenna Professor Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology tenna.riis@bio.au.dk +4587156578 1135, 217
Santl-Temkiv, Tina Associate Professor iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Ny Munkegade 116 temkiv@bio.au.dk
Schmidt, Jennie Spicker PhD Student Department of Biology - Microbiology jss@bio.au.dk
Schmidt, Niels Martin Professor, Head of Section Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology nms@ecos.au.dk +4587158683 7412, C1.18
Schrøder, Dorte Søgaard External VIP Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology doso@bio.au.dk +4561164226 1135, 321
Tamstorf, Mikkel Head of Department Department of Ecoscience - ECOS Roskilde mpt@ecos.au.dk +4553575044 7411, B1.23
Thomsen, Philip Francis Associate Professor Department of Biology - Genetics, Ecology and Evolution pfthomsen@bio.au.dk +4527142046 1540
Treier, Urs Lab Manager Department of Biology - Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity urs.treier@bio.au.dk +4523348009 1540, 329

Contact lead:

Tenna Riis

Professor Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology

Contact co-lead:

Efrén López-Blanco

Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Ecosystem Ecology