Aarhus University Seal

Atmosphere (1)

This work package addresses the understanding of processes in the Arctic atmosphere which are of importance for climate and environmental changes in this area. We develop and use regional chemistry and transport models (CTMs), global coupled Earth system models (ESMs) and infrastructures including unique field stations and excellent laboratory facilities, which are a part of networks such as ACTRIS, ICOS, GIOS, INTERACT and ATMO-ACCESS. The focus of our work is to increase the fundamental understanding of surface exchange processes, including climate-relevant gases, sea spray, biological particles and dust, as well as particle and cloud formation in the arctic atmosphere.

List of people connected to this work package

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Building
Bilde, Merete Professor Department of Chemistry bilde@chem.au.dk +4524447138 1513, 424
Funder Castenschiold, Christian Ditlev PhD Student Department of Biology - Microbiology christian.ditlev@bio.au.dk
Hansen, Kaj Mantzius Senior Researcher Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling kmh@envs.au.dk +4587158658 7404, 142
Henson, Henry Churchill PhD Student Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology hch@ecos.au.dk
Im, Ulas Senior Researcher Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling ulas@envs.au.dk +4587158662 7404, 142
Jensen, Bjarne Laboratory Technician Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements bj@envs.au.dk +4587158509 7413, D1.45
Jensen, Lasse Z. PhD Student iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Ny Munkegade 116 lassejensen@au.dk
Jørgensen, Christian Juncher Senior Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Arctic Environment cjj@ecos.au.dk +4520871932 7418, I2.39
Lansø, Anne Sofie Senior Researcher Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions & Modelling as.lansoe@envs.au.dk +4587151309 7404, 144
Marchiano Holding, Johnna Tenure Track Researcher Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology johnna@ecos.au.dk +4587162167 1131, 522
Massling, Andreas Professor Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements anma@envs.au.dk +4587158518 7412, C1.16
Mortensen, Keld IT Staff Member Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements kem@envs.au.dk +4587158636 7413, D0.39
Mostovaya, Alina Postdoc Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology alina@ecos.au.dk 1131, 328
Puts, Isolde Callisto External VIP Department of Ecoscience - Marine Ecology isolde.puts@ecos.au.dk
Santl-Temkiv, Tina Associate Professor iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Ny Munkegade 116 temkiv@bio.au.dk
Schmidt, Jennie Spicker PhD Student Department of Biology - Microbiology jss@bio.au.dk
Skov, Henrik Professor Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements hsk@envs.au.dk +4587158524 7413, D1.09
Sørensen, Lise Lotte Professor - Head of section Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements lls@envs.au.dk +4530183119 7404, 141
Thomsen, Lotte Dyrholm PhD Student Department of Chemistry lotteth@chem.au.dk 1511, 418
Verdugo Avello, María Josefa Postdoc Arctic Research Centre josefa.verdugo@au.dk

Feiyue Wang, Professor, PhD feiyue.wang@umanitoba.ca

Contact lead:

Marianne Glasius

Associate Professor Department of Chemistry

Contact co-lead:

Lise Lotte Sørensen

Professor - Head of section Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements