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Grønland får flere og flere ældre. Ifølge Stig Andersen, leder af Center for Grønlandsforskning på Aalborg Universitetshospital, får sundhedsvæsenet…
For at finde forklaringer på, hvorfor grønlændernes sundhed skranter, sætter et nyt Center for Arktisk Sundhed ved Aarhus Universitet projekter i gang…
The Arctic Science Partnership is in the high Arctic studying polynyas. A polynya is an ice-free site in an otherwise ice-covered area. The particular…
Klimaforandringer og dermed mere skibstrafik, vil øge risikoen for indførsel af invasive arter i Arktis.
The increased sea temperature expected in 2100 will in itself mean that the potential number of species introduced with ships will increase more than…
Centre for Past Climate Studies, Department of Geoscience, together with the Arctic Research Centre are editors of a volume about the subject in the…
Siden 1996 har danske forskere drevet forskningsstationen Zackenberg i Nordøstgrønland, hvor de udfører målinger på de arktiske økosystemer.
There are huge amounts of organic carbon in the soil beneath the tundra that covers the northernmost woodless areas of the planet. New research…
Aarhus University plays a central role in understanding the major environmental changes taking place in the Arctic. This forms part of the basis for…