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AIAS has up to 15 AIAS-COFUND fellowships available for application by the most talented researchers from around the world.
The course is designed to give the participants an in-depth understanding of climate related changes in the Arctic and their cascading effects from…
I de senere år har særligt russiske forskere advaret om en hidtil overset klimatrussel i Arktis. I takt med at temperaturen stiger, kan enorme mængder…
Twenty years of Arctic research can help scientists around the world better understand climate and environment change.
The SWIPA 2017 assessment is the fourth AMAP assessment addressing Arctic climate issues and is a direct follow up to the first Snow, Water, Ice and…
An Invitation to International Arctic Researchers, Stakeholders and Decision-Makers
New maps of Greenland’s coastal seafloor and bedrock beneath its massive ice sheet show that two to four times as many coastal glaciers are at risk of…