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Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science, Ulla Tornæs, gave a speech in the White House Arctic Science Ministerial, which brought together…
Greenland Institute of Natural Resources invites applications for a position as Head of the Greenland Climate Research Centre. Application deadline 28…
Sea ice can play an important role in the dispersal of plant and animal species in the Arctic. But what happens when the ice melts?
ARC annual meeting 2016 takes place at Sandbjerg Estate on 23-24 November
Aarhus University is the sixth most cited university in Arctic research, a new report shows
173 million tons of carbon. This is the estimated annual carbon uptake by marine macroalgae, which play a huge role in the global carbon cycle.
The American-Scandinavian Foundation is now accepting applications for the Fellowships and Grants program for the 2017/18 academic year
Do you have a plan to develop an innovative project that would have a real impact in northern communities?