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AlphaFilm besøger i disse dage Naturinstituttet i Nuuk for at lave en række korte film, der fortæller om de mange muligheder, man som ung har for…
Gene sequences are now used to describe the interactions between plants and animals in the arctic ecosystem and the role played by climate change.
Sommeren går på held på vore breddegrader og igen i år er der sat varmerekorder mange steder. Også i de arktiske områder. Temperaturen på den…
Far up north in the arctic ice 100 scientists and students are involved in a joint field investigation into how the interactions between snow, ice,…
Mastering of details is necessary to describe an entire arctic ecosystem, including the amount of carbon flowing with the rivers to the nearby fjord…
Biologists investigate which insects pollinate one of the most widespread plants in the Arctic and gain new insight into the interactions between the…