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ISAAFFIK Arctic Gateway is the name of a new Arctic web portal, which opens on April 8 and will be a dynamic tool for anyone working in the Arctic.
Mercury contamination has long been a threat to animal carnivores and human residents in the Arctic. Mercury exports from river basins to the ocean…
Vi er fem studerende fra Danmark, der i dette semester er flyttet til Nuuk for at studere Arktiske forhold ved Grønlands Naturinstitut som en del af…
A new research project seeks to improve our understanding of the environmental effects of oil contamination in the Arctic. The principal researcher of…
"A Land Shaped by Water: Perspectives on Canada", Turku, Finland, Wed 12 - Sat 15 August 2015
Solens aktivitet er en vigtig faktor i det komplicerede samspil, der styrer vores klima. Nu viser ny forskning, at påvirkningen fra Solen ikke er…
Two Canadian and two U.S. partners in INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) open a call for…