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New research from Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen sheds light on the biology of Greenland sharks
ARC researchers document small scale variation in Arctic spider and beetle communities in fen, heath and tundra habitats
Several Masters and Doctoral projects available for highly motivated candidates
Study migration and distribution patterns of kittiwakes in Greenland
Professor in economy Torben M. Andersen from Aarhus University gives Greenland three years to get the mining industry or tourism running. Otherwise,…
ARC has received an excellent evaluation of the 2015 annual report
Application deadline 15 August
New research published in Nature shows that climate sensitivity can lead to the desynchronization of seasonal events among plants and animals
ARC secretariat wishes you a great summer!
US Secretary of State John Kerry witnessed climate change in Greenland
New research from ARC sheds light on Arctic biodiversity patterns
New anthology and a report on informally acquired skills in Greenland
A new version of the web portal Isaaffik Arctic Gateway
Prof Barber is a Arctic marine scientist with a focus on climate forcing of sea ice
Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is at a record low for this time of year, as monthly temperature records soar around the world
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