Baffin Bay Seminar Series
Organized by Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Nicole Wilson, Elizabeth Worden and Lauren Candlish, University of Manitoba as an Arctic Science Partnership Initiative.

The Baffin Bay seminar series will be arranged to draw researchers and communities together through a series of talks, presentations, and discussions. The vision is to include presentations from interested Inuit, social, and natural science researchers from Canada, Greenland, and Denmark. Through the seminar series we hope to learn about ongoing research and other priorities that could be addressed through future research. It is the hope that the seminars will enable dialogue that can inspire future collaborations and new ideas.
The seminars are open for all interested so please share with those who might want to join. If you would like to give presentation pls contact the organizers. (
The seminar will be held on Wednesdays between 10-11 am CST (16-17 UST) on ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 654 1597 9565
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+45 32 71 31 57 Denmark
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+1 438 809 7799 Canada
Meeting ID: 654 1597 9565; Find your local number:
March 3rd Flor Vermassen, Stockholm University: The interplay between ocean and ice over the past 100 years at Upernavik isstrøm, NW Greenland
March 10th Alex Crawford, University of Manitoba: Future projections of seasonal sea ice characteristics in Baffin Bay from CMIP6 models.
March 17th TBA
March 24th Paul Knutz, Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark (GEUS), The “deep time” evolution of the Greenland ice sheet and the ocean circulation in the Baffin Bay.
March 31st: Whitney Lackenbauer and community co-presenter, Trent University, The Canadian Rangers and Community-Based Monitoring
April 7th Søren Rysgaard: University of Aarhus/ University of Manitoba: An updated view on water masses on the pan-West Greenland continental shelf and their link to proglacial fjords.
April 14th Joel Heath and the Arctic Eider Society, Arctic Eider Society: SIKU: The Indigenous Knowledge Social Network as a tool for Inuit self-determination and community-driven research during the pandemic
April 21st Parnuna Petrina Egede Dahl, University of Greenland, University of Aalborg/ Oceans North: Title TBA
April 28th Marcel Babin, Gilles Gauthier and Philippe Archambau, Lavel University: All-domain studies of ecosystems in Baffin Bay, from land to ocean bottom.
May 5th Tonya Burgers: University of Manitoba: The carbon dynamics of the Nares Strait - Baffin Bay System.
May 12th TBA
May 19th Sergey Kirillov, University of Manitoba: The role of oceanic heat flux in landfast ice thinning and break-off of the ice bridge in Nares Strait.
May 26th TBA
June 2nd TBA
June 9th TBA
June 16th TBA
June 23rd TBA
June 30th TBA
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