Recent advances in the control of volatile organic compounds emissions from indoor wood-based panels: A comprehensive review
New publication by Yang, Yang ; Zhang, Zhongfeng ; Zhang, Lei et al.
Wood-based panels provide efficient alternatives to materials such as plastics derived from traditional petroleum sources and thereby help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, using indoor manufactured panel products also results in significant emissions of volatile organic compounds including olefins, aromatic and ester compounds, which negatively affect human health. This paper highlights recent developments and notable achievements in the field of indoor hazardous air treatment technologies to guide future research toward environmentally friendly and economically feasible directions that may have a significant impact on the improvement of human settlements. Summarizing and synthesizing the principles, advantages, and limitations of different technologies can assist policymakers and engineers in identifying the most appropriate technology for a particular air pollution control program based on criteria such as cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and environmental impact. In addition, insights into the development of indoor air pollution control technologies are provided and potential areas for innovation, improvement of existing technologies, and development of new technologies are identified. Finally, the authors also hope that this sub-paper will raise public awareness of indoor air pollution issues and promote a better understanding of the importance of indoor air pollution control technologies for public health, environmental protection, and sustainable development.