NorthGreen2017 – a marine research expedition to NE Greenland onboard ‘R/V Dana, September 11 - October 1, 2017
A cruise report by Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Jarl Regner Andersen, Katrine Juul Andresen, Jørgen Bendtsen, Camille Brice, Marianne Ellegaard, Lasse Nygaard Eriksen, Karen Gariboldi, Cynthia Le Duc, Anders Møller Mathiasen, Tove Nielsen, Siri Ofstad, Christof Pearce, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Sofia Ribeiro, Søren Rysgaard, Hans Røy, Caroline Scholze, Mads Schultz and David Johannes Wangner.
Introduction and Aim
From September 11 – October 1, 2017, the research vessel ‘Dana’ (Hirtshals, Denmark) served as a platform for a 5576 km long Danish-Greenlandic-Canadian-Italian-Norwegian multi-disciplinary research expedition off Northeast Greenland. The expedition combined research in oceanography/hydrography, bioscience and geoscience. In total, 20 scientists and students from the participating countries partook in the cruise, in addition to 18 crew members. The cruise was funded by the Danish Centre for Marine Research, with co-funding from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada.